Panel Discussion #2

Building Resilience with 1st-Party Data in the Cookieless Era

Explore strategic insights into navigating the cookieless landscape and crafting a robust 1st-party data reservoir. This session, featuring industry experts, offers actionable takeaways for professionals at all levels, addressing challenges and opportunities in the evolving digital landscape.


serm teck choon

Serm and his partners launched Antsomi as a regional marketing technology company with its flagship product, CDP 365, in mid-2020. Since its launch, Antsomi has become an emerging martech brand native to Southeast Asia by helping clients unify and activate their customer data across multiple channels. With over two decades of industry experience, Serm was the former president of the Malaysian Digital Association (MDA). Constantly invited by media outlets to share his views about digital, Serm is a sought-after speaker at various conferences, a mentor and judge for start-up competitions, and a jury member for global and regional media and advertising awards.

Daler Kendzhaev

Daler leads investment, partnerships and specialist solutions at Omnicom Media Group. He is responsible for OMG’s partnership growth in Malaysia as well as spearheading the advanced capabilities such as TransAct, Annalect and Digital Performance. Daler has more than 14 years of experience in media industry, coming from a background focused on digital marketing, advertising and tech development helping brands with delivery of strategic and innovative solutions across various industries such as telco, airlines, F&B, finance, etc.

ronn yeo

Part of the founding team of SAYS, Ronn played a big role in maintaining REV Media Group’s position as the leading digital media publisher in Malaysia; a true jack-of-all-trades with 15 years of experience at REV Media Group, Ronn possesses a deep understanding of the company from campaign performance to digital marketing and ad buying.



Currently, Ronn is spearheading the Data & Analytics department, developing informative data dashboards for the group, and helping to strategize data initiatives through data-driven insights. 

Prabhat Taneja

Prabhat Taneja is a seasoned digital marketer with over 11 years of expertise in the field. With a comprehensive background in performance media, digital analytics, and strategy, Prabhat has played a pivotal role in leading media operations and client communications across APAC markets, including Malaysia, Singapore, India, Sri Lanka, and more. Proficient in biddable media channels, he brings a wealth of knowledge in web and mobile measurement analytics. Currently, Prabhat serves as a guiding force, leading and mentoring the digital performance team at dentsu Malaysia.

Karthik Karunanithy

Karthik Karunanithy is a Data & Measurement Lead at Google, guiding brands through the evolving landscape of digital advertising. As a specialist in Google’s ad measurement suite and a passionate advocate for privacy-centric solutions, Karthik empowers businesses to thrive in a cookieless world through first-party data strategies and a deep understanding of consent-based measurement.


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